invitation to conversation

For a while now, I have wanted to create my own set of signs. Small ones on popsicle sticks.
It’s more than one set actually.

There are signs for the subway, and while some overlap with the street signs (hehe— by street signs, I mean the signs I’d like to carry and display when I am on the street) most notably and surprisingly because you’d think a city street would be more than enough room, but there’s the much-needed sign alerting everyone to the unhealthy levels of cologne in the area that shows up in both sets — they are their own sets for sure. On the subway, if the car is medium- or light-full, I might like to ask a question with a sign and there isn’t time for that on a street. Oooh — unless I sit somewhere while people pass — that’s another set of signs!

There are signs for gatherings in a room, around a table and in other cozy places and signs for online gatherings. There are signs for protest – in your window – above your head when marching, accompanied or not by shouting. Or singing.

And there are endless variations within all of these. Not to mention tons more scenarios where signage would come in handy. Ah, also endless reasons for why.

so, at the next living room picnic, let’s make some signs.

​Doesn’t have to be a full set, or even the plan of a set. Maybe it’s just one. Maybe it’s writ large on a sheet you taped up on the wall in your living room. Maybe you will write it in the tiniest font because it’s too precious and fragile to be out in the world. You’ll see…

We can make it a crafty picnic if you like and have a kit ready for sign-making. Or it can be a drawing on paper, or typing…let’s reflect on some of the things we stand for, or that we bring with us, or would like to, that irritate us, spark joy in us, that the world needs to know about us.

O - and you do not have to share it. This experience is for you. We create it together, but there is no pressure to perform, or show up in a particular way.

UNDERMININGnormal is where deep-thinking, change-seeking women can find community, care and unhurried space for conversations we don’t usually get to have.

If this is your kind of thing, or you’d like it to be, sign up to receive invitations to UNDERMININGnormal living room picnics.

Also, some more info is available here —

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To skip to what is a living room picnic…