invitation to conversation

What if when we met, we exchanged stories instead of credentials?

What if I we told each other something about the soil we come from?

I discovered this question over the summer, during a podcast conversation between Nikki Silvestri and Daniel Stillman on the Conversation Factory podcast, during the Facilitating Complexity episode:

what is the soil you come from?

Partly because I struggle with introducing myself (I’ve never had a job title that felt like it was mine or good enough and a wave of performance anxiety would fill my mind — how could I possibly still be struggling with this!) and partly because job title - credentials are often too generic and branded to learn anything about each other, or to invite any questions. I always have questions. Credential exchange often leaves my curiosity in the corner.

This living room picnic is an inquiry into the complexity of who you are, you human being—

  • born of,
  • cultivated by,
  • cared for,
  • impacted by

people, places, circumstances, beliefs, ideas, histories, experiences, aspirations, desires.

I want to meet you :rowing_woman:and when I do, to have a visit, like we would on a fieldtrip to a neighborhood in some other part of the city…

This is for women who would enjoy, find relief in, are curious about more than credential exchanges as a way into the conversations that matter to you — whatever the context or setting, anywhere, anytime that humans are meeting each other.

There is nothing to prepare.

If this is your kind of thing, or you’d like it to be, sign up to receive invitations to UNDERMININGnormal living room picnics.

UNDERMININGnormal is where deep-thinking, change-seeking women can find community, care and unhurried space for conversations we don’t usually get to have.

Also, some more info is available here —

For a proper welcome to UNDERMININGnormal…
To skip to what is a living room picnic…