invitation to conversation

personal quiet is a phrase that came to me when I decided to let myself keep an interstitial journal in the community. It’s a journal about the steps, and especially the thinking, feeling and doing in between the steps, I’ve been taking toward establishing UNDERMININGnormal.

I was worried about the journal being too personal: over-sharing about me vs giving members insight into the inner workings of building a digital coffeehouse. But I realized that I need this.

To do the work that matters to me, to be the person, the woman, the artist, the gatherer, the friend, family member, neighbor, citizen, human being that I aspire to be, I need more personal quiet in my life.

How about you?

This is for women who have a lot going on (work, family, responsibilities, feelings, concerns, grief, dreams) and would like to have more relaxation and a sense of spaciousness supporting them, as they do their thing —their many things.

what conversations might this open?

  • wellbeing: fostering peace of mind and body
  • creativity and care: improving decision-making from a place of grounded presence
  • resilience: increasing capacity for hard conversations, annoying situations, people we find difficult (whether it’s a one-off customer service scenario or an ongoing relationship)

This isn’t a promise that you will emerge from our picnic having achieved these as goals. I just think that having these kinds of conversations together is the way, wherever we’re heading. And it helps to distinguish between the concept of personal goals vs your aspirations and values. One fits on a list and the other is how you live your life, day by day, moment by moment. Finding your personal quiet helps with both.

There is nothing to prepare.

If this is your kind of thing, or you’d like it to be, sign up to receive invitations to UNDERMININGnormal living room picnics.

UNDERMININGnormal is where deep-thinking, change-seeking women can find community, care and unhurried space for conversations we don’t usually get to have.

Also, some more info is available here —

For a proper welcome to UNDERMININGnormal…
To skip to what is a living room picnic…