El abrazo by Delcy Morelos at Dia Chelsea

Entering El abrazo felt like being in the earth. Being in it, which is magical, and held by it, the way you are held when in a dreamy field with plenty of time and sky to lay in it, which is familiar and not often enough.

But first you come through Cielo terrenal; where the soil rises on the walls to a level that signifies the height reached by Hurricane Sandy flood waters in 2012. And it’s this world of soil and water and history, earth and shapes of things we made.

“There is a difference between seeing and entering. When you enter, you experience. Like in a symbiotic relationship, you allow yourself to be permeated by that which you are permeating.”

Delcy Morelos: El abrazo
October 5, 2023–July 20, 2024 /
5 de octubre de 2023–20 de julio de 2024

For more information about the exhibition and the artist…